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Honest, Not Harsh: The Art of Delivering Negative Feedback


Delivering negative feedback can be challenging—no one enjoys being the bearer of bad news, and the potential for misunderstanding or hurt feelings is always present. However, the ability to provide honest and constructive criticism is an essential skill for personal growth, professional development, and effective teamwork. Here’s how you can approach difficult conversations with clarity, compassion, and confidence.


Drop the ‘Feedback Sandwich’

It’s tempting to wrap negative feedback between compliments to soften the blow. Although this might sound like a good idea, experts warn this approach can send mixed messages.

To avoid confusing your recipient, you should provide constructive feedback that is clear and constructive, to allow them to learn and improve.


Embrace Constructive Criticism

This consists of a critique followed by a solution. However, it’s not as simple as that. People often feel attacked and become defensive when criticised, so giving constructive feedback effectively minimises this reaction.


It’s all about how you say it, whether it be your tone of voice or the words you use. Here are a few techniques you can try.


Focus on the situation, not the person

Feedback should focus on actions, not personalities. Framing your review around specific situations rather than personal characteristics helps the recipient feel less defensive and more open to improvement.


Instead of saying, “You did this wrong”, say, “I feel like the situation needed more of this – could you try that for next time?”

Don’t say, “Your presentation was really boring.” Instead, say something like, “I feel like some of the points could be a bit more concise, as the audience has a lot of information to take in.”


Be specific

Vague criticism is rarely helpful and can be frustrating to receive. Instead, providing specific areas to focus on will assist the person in understanding and accepting the feedback, as they will have actionable steps to improve. This approach will also minimise the perception that you are criticising them and will instead highlight one small aspect of their behaviour that can be more easily corrected.


For instance, rather than saying, “I don’t like the report you’ve created,” consider saying, “Great effort on the report; if you could just make these few specific changes, it will be ready to go.”


Keep it Realistic and Actionable

There’s no point in giving someone a suggestion about something they can’t control. Feedback is intended to help someone improve, not to assassinate their character.


For instance, if a colleague is preparing a pitch for a prospective client and asks for your feedback, don’t mention that their voice sounds odd, as this is likely to make them feel uncomfortable. Instead, recommend that they slow down a bit to make their words clearer.


Be positive and focus on the future

The best way to give constructive criticism is to keep the conversation as positive as possible. Don’t dwell on past mistakes; instead, direct your conversation toward future improvement. Highlight your belief in the recipient’s ability to progress and provide specific guidance on achieving better outcomes next time.


Timing is Everything

Delivering feedback at the right moment significantly impacts its effectiveness. If emotions or tensions are high, consider planning the feedback for a calmer time. A strategic delay can allow emotions to settle, making the recipient more receptive to your message.


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