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Study tips for if you’ve been out of education for a while

Returning to education after a break can feel a little overwhelming, especially if it’s been a while since you were last in a classroom. But with a bit of planning and the right mindset, you can set yourself up for success. We have compiled some practical study tips to help you get back into the [Read more…]

Improving your soft skills: four tips for better creative thinking

Every business needs imaginative problem-solvers, so it’s no surprise that a LinkedIn survey of employers found that creative thinking was top of their list of desirable soft skills. And while many people think creativity is innate, there’s plenty of evidence that it’s a skill anyone can develop. “There’s not really any evidence that one person [Read more…]

Cutting edge jobs that didn’t exist ten years ago

Technology continues to change the labour market at an incredible pace, and even the most senior figures in business can’t be sure where it’s going. A report by Dell Technologies on the future of work and technology in 2030 found that nearly half of senior decision-makers didn’t know what their industry would look like in [Read more…]

Free Part-time Courses Starting January

Are you looking to retrain to change career, upskill to advance your existing career or get back into work? Dudley College of Technology has a unique package of specialist part-time courses leading to qualifications aimed at specific career skillsets from teaching to management and automotive to photography – all starting from January.   Included in the [Read more…]

The best apps for returning to study

Time is tight for most people returning to study as an adult. In many cases, you’ve still got all the grown-up responsibilities of work and family, but now with classes, essays and revision on top.   The good news is that technology can buy us time by making us more productive, and app creators have [Read more…]