You may have heard the saying… People don’t quit their jobs, they quit their bosses. Generally, workers really don’t want to work for a boss who doesn’t support them, or for one whose behaviour is poor and ineffectual. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a world where every manager is good one. However, we do live in [Read more…]
With the full post-Brexit customs controls coming into force at the start of the year, it meant everything changed for the men and women dealing with goods travelling across the UK border. Now that upheaval has put these roles right at the top of LinkedIn’s Jobs on the Rise for 2022. Getting the new [Read more…]
Being creative has been proven to benefit your health and happiness in a number of ways – and you don’t have to be an amazing artist or creative genius to reap the rewards. Here we explore exactly how, by engaging in creative activities, can improve your wellbeing and some of the creative short courses [Read more…]
If you feel like you should be earning more money, read our advice on how to ask for a pay rise. How much to ask for It’s important to ask your employer for a reasonable, well-researched pay increase. Asking your fellow employees how much they’re being paid is one way to find out your [Read more…]
It’s that time of year to think about a fresh start and resolving to make changes. And while the world may seem pretty unpredictable right now, that’s no reason to avoid making plans. Setting goals for your career can help ensure you don’t get too bogged down in the day-to-day upheavals and stay focused [Read more…]