The Blog

How to approach speculative job applications

As a great way to tap into the hidden jobs market or find an opportunity that would have normally passed you by, speculative job applications can be the fast-track to your dream job. The least you’ll get out of a speculative application is that you’re forced to think carefully about your relevant skills and experience, [Read more…]

How 3D printing is changing the way we do business

Digital technology has changed the world in many ways, but much of it has just taken place in the realm of information on a screen. That’s all changing with the rise of 3D printing. 3D printing is a new type of manufacturing. Instead of starting with a block of material and machining it down into [Read more…]

Starting your own business – where to begin?

More people than ever before are ditching their 9-5 in favour of setting up their own business and working for themselves. Yet taking those first steps and branching out on your own are daunting to say the least, even if you just know your business is going to be a success. If you fancy yourself [Read more…]

The shy person’s guide to selling yourself at interviews

When it comes to job interviews, some of us just aren’t naturals. If you’re the shy and retiring type, it can feel awkward and out-of-character to start bragging about your achievements. Perhaps that’s why job interviews are notoriously bad at predicting how people will perform in the company: they’re barely better than tossing a coin. [Read more…]

Lifelong learning: good for you and good for the economy

If the lockdown has meant more free time perhaps, like many people, you have been learning new skills and finding ways to develop your education. Such ‘lifelong learning’ benefits employees, businesses and governments, argues the World Economic Forum. Voluntarily pursuing new knowledge and skills throughout your life can not only bring about good health, wealth, [Read more…]