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Stay Motivated Over the Summer! Six Practical Tips

Summer can be a challenging time to stay motivated, whether you’re advancing in your career or continuing your studies. The warm weather, longer days, and the lure of holidays can make it difficult to maintain focus. When you have goals to achieve, exams to pass or career milestones to jump over, staying motivated during the summer is crucial. Here are seven practical tips to help keep your head in the game when you’d rather be doing anything else.


1. Set Clear, Achievable Goals

The first step to staying motivated is to set clear, achievable goals. These goals give you something tangible to work towards and help you stay focused when distractions arise. For professionals, these might include completing a project, learning a new skill, or improving productivity in a specific area. For students, goals could range from completing coursework to preparing for the next academic year.

How to Set Effective Goals

  • Be specific: Instead of setting a vague goal like “improve my skills,” aim for something more specific, such as “complete an online course in data analysis by the end of August.”
  • Make them measurable: Ensure your goals can be tracked so you can see your progress. This could mean setting deadlines or breaking larger goals into smaller tasks.
  • Stay realistic: Set challenging yet attainable goals. Overly ambitious goals can lead to frustration, while too-easy ones may not keep you motivated.


2. Create a Routine

The summer months often come with a more relaxed schedule, which can be both a blessing and a curse. However, maintaining a routine is key to staying motivated; it provides structure to your day, helps you allocate time to important tasks, and prevents procrastination.

Tips for Maintaining a Routine

  • Start your day early: Take advantage of the longer daylight hours by starting your day early. This can help you get more done and leave time for relaxation later.
  • Allocate specific times for tasks: Dedicate particular times of the day to work, study, exercise, and relaxation. Sticking to these times can help create a productive rhythm.
  • Include breaks: Don’t forget to schedule short breaks to rest and recharge. This can prevent burnout and keep you motivated over the long haul.

Sticking to a routine will help you keep momentum while enjoying the season.


3. Take Your Work Outside

Take advantage of the longer days and warmer weather and look for ways to take your work outside, even if it’s just for a small portion of the day. You’ll feel less like you’re missing out, and the vitamin D production triggered by sunshine is excellent for your bones, blood cells, and immune system.

Take your laptop to an outdoor café, take a business call from the garden, do your revision in the park, or even have a walking meeting. In fact, “one Stanford University study found walking meetings can boost creativity by an average of 60 per cent” – even more reason to get out in the sunshine.


4. Focus on Personal Development

Summer is an ideal time to invest in personal development, which can reignite your passion for your career or studies. Consider taking an online course, attending workshops, or reading books to inspire and enhance your skills. Engaging in activities that align with your professional or academic goals will keep you mentally stimulated and motivated to continue growing.


5. Reward Yourself

Rewards can be a powerful motivator. Setting up a simple reward system gives you something to look forward to after completing tasks or reaching milestones.

Treat yourself to something small after completing a job or progressing toward a goal. This could be as simple as a coffee break or watching an episode of your favourite show. For more significant achievements, plan bigger rewards, such as a day trip, a new gadget, or a special dinner out. Finally, make sure you celebrate your milestones! Acknowledge and celebrate the progress you make, no matter how small. This can boost your motivation to keep going.


6. Plan for the Future

Finally, use the summer to reflect on your long-term goals and plan for the future. Whether it’s considering your next career move, mapping out the upcoming academic year, or setting new objectives, having a forward-thinking mindset will keep you motivated. Visualising where you want to be in the next few months or years will help you maintain a strong sense of purpose and direction that can carry you through the summer and beyond.



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